sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010

David Lynch i-a propus presedintelui Sarkozy programul Franta invincibila

David Lynch's French connections
Connexion edition: May 2010

You've met President Sarkozy – how do you find him?

I love him. I think he's filled with energy. He's got a great energy and a great caring for France.

You've spoken with him about TM as well. Has he helped you with this project up in Lille? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R_Y4doJTxE

No, because I think people are not quite ready to go out on a limb and say let's do this thing because of these strange misunderstandings or lack of knowledge but the times are changing. To experience this is life transforming.

You put it in a school that's in trouble, you put it into a school that's in great shape it will just get better. It's a human being thing.


vineri, 29 octombrie 2010

arheologia spiritului

Daca ar axista o arheologie a spiritului uman oare Puja Guru nu ar fi similara unui vas de Cucuteni sau unui fragment din cetatea Troia?

Imnurile vedice au fost declarate de UNESCO, la fel ca si Doina noastra, un element al patrimoniului cultural intangibil al umanitatii.

Cunoasterea vedica se transmitea prin acest gest de gratitudine fata de profesori, fata de traditie.

Puja Guru poate fi vazut ca un vestigiu viu semnificativ nu numai pentru indoeuropeni ci pentru intrega umanitate. El asigura transmiterea culturala.

Este un element esential al culturii umanitatii al carui rezultat este si cultura noastra moderna.

sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

Maharishi University of Management - Creativity: the Straight Story

Maharishi University of Management - Creativity: the Straight Story

Maharishi University of Management - Infinity on the Page: The Geometric Art of M.C. Escher

Maharishi University of Management - Infinity on the Page: The Geometric Art of M.C. Escher

Maharishi University of Management - Tao Te Ching: Expressions of Consciousness

Maharishi University of Management - Tao Te Ching: Expressions of Consciousness

Moby-We Are All Made of Stars-live from Maharishi University

Moby-We Are All Made of Stars-live from Maharishi University

Maharishi University of Management - Consciousness and World Peace, Part 1: BBC interview with David Lynch

Maharishi University of Management - Consciousness and World Peace, Part 1: BBC interview with David Lynch