sâmbătă, 6 februarie 2010


By Ken Chawkin


Silence vibrating is Creation.

Silence flowing is Love.

Silence shared is Friendship.

Silence seen is Infinity.

Silence heard is Adoration.

Silence expressed is Beauty.

Silence maintained is Strength.

Silence omitted is Suffering.

Silence allowed is Rest.

Silence recorded is Scripture.

Silence preserved is Our Tradition.

Silence given is Initiating.

Silence received is Joy.

Silence perceived is Knowledge.

Silence stabilized is Fulfillment.

Silence alone is.

—author unknown

The poem about Silence was written by a course participant on the Teacher Training Course (TTC) held in Mallorca, 1971. At the end of the evening meetings, Maharishi often asked if anyone had a poem they would like to read out. One of the course participants (CP’s) read out his poem, “Silence”, which has been incorrectly attributed to Maharishi. This clarification came from someone on that course.

Cat de diferiti pot fi de ei cei din tara in care candva padurile fosneau de sihastrii, cum spunea un martor din trecut despre Romania (sihastru ca si sihastrie vin de la Isihia - liniste) ? http://networkedblogs.com/p22443341